USA Diving Olympians
Ableman, Randy | Mission Viejo | 1980 |
Allen, Aileen | Pasadena A.C. | 1920 |
Anderson, Miller | Ohio State U. | 1948, ’52 |
Andreason, Larry | Commerce S.C. | 1964 |
Bacon, Sarah | Unattached | 2024 |
Balbach, Louis | x | 1920 |
Beck, Beverly | x | 1940 |
Becker, Elizabeth | Ambassador S.C. | 1924, ’28 |
Bell, Katie | Ohio State Diving | 2012 |
Boggs, Phil | Kimball Divers | 1976 |
Bornamann, F.A. | Chicago A.A. | 1906 |
Boudia, David | National Training Center/Boiler Diving | 2008, '12, '16 |
Bradshaw, Mark | Ohio State Diving | 1988 |
Briley, Melissa | Hurricane S.C. | 1976 |
Browning, David | U. of Texas | 1952 |
Bryant, Kelci | National Training Center/Minnesota Diving | 2008, '12 |
Bungham, Brian | Longhorn D.C. | 1980 |
Burgering, Dave | Mission Viejo | 1980 |
Bush, David | x | 1972 |
Bush, Lesley | Princeton YMCA | 1964, ’68 |
Calhoun, John | x | 1952 |
Capobianco, Andrew | Johansen Diving Academy | 2020, 2024 |
Cardinell, Cassandra | Indiana Diving | 2004 |
Chandler, Jennifer | Mission Viejo | 1976, ’80 |
Clark, Mary Ellen | Ft. Lauderdale D.T. | 1992, ’96 |
Clotworthy, Robert | New York A.C. | 1952, ’56 |
Colbath, Walter | x | 1928 |
Coleman, Georgia | Los Angeles A.C. | 1928, ’32 |
Collier, Jeanne | Dick Smith Swim Gym | 1964 |
Colwill, Chris | Georgia Diving | 2008, '12 |
Condit, Shirley | Detroit A.C. | 1940 |
Conner, Richard | Lyndon S.C. | 1956 |
Cook, Kassidy | The Woodlands Diving Team/Unattached | 2016, 2024 |
Cooper, Linda | Commerce S.C. | 1964 |
Cozad, Amy | TriSynerG Diving | 2016 |
Cragg, Robert | Kimball Divers | 1976 |
Crelenkovich, Helen | Fairmont Hotel | 1940 |
Davison, Michelle | Ft. Lauderdale D.T. | 2000 |
Degener, Richard | Detroit A.C. | 1932, ’36 |
Desjardins, Pete | Roman Pools | 1924, ’28 |
Dickey, William | New York A.C. | 1904 |
Donie, Scott | Ft. Lauderdale, Miami Diving | 1992, ’96 |
Dorman, Sam | Miami Diving | 2016 |
Downs, Tyler | RipFest | 2020, 2024 |
Draves, Victoria | Los Angeles A.C. | 1948 |
Dumais, Justin | Centralized Training Center | 2004 |
Dumais, Troy | Texas Aquatics, Centralized Training Center | 2000, '04, '08, '12 |
Duncan, Greg | Purdue Diving | 2024 |
Dunn, Velma | Fred Cady | 1936 |
Dunnichay, Mary Beth | National Training Center | 2008 |
Earley, Rick | Phillips 66 | 1972 |
Elsener, Patricia | Crystal Plunge | 1948 |
Ely, Janet | Robbins Diving | 1972, ’76 |
Fall, David | Athens A.C. | 1924 |
Farrell, William | Los Angeles A.C. | 1956 |
Fauntz, Jane | Illinois Women’s A.C. | 1932 |
Ferguson, Kent | Ft. Lauderdale D.T. | 1992 |
Finchum, Thomas | National Training Center | 2008 |
Finneran, Michael | O’Brien Diving | 1972 |
Fletcher, Caroline | Pasadena A.C. | 1924 |
Foster, Nancilea | The Woodlands Diving Team | 2008 |
Frick, Carol | Ohrbach A.C. | 1952 |
Gaidzik, George | Chicago A.A. | 1908, ’12 |
Galitzen, Mickey Riley | L.A. A.C. | 1928, ’32 |
Garcia, Caesar | Auburn Diving | 2004 |
Gestring, Marjorie | Los Angeles A.C. | 1936, ’40 |
Gibson, Alison | Longhorn Aquatics | 2020, 2024 |
Gilbert, Rick | Bloomington S.C. | 1968 |
Gilders, Barbara | Detroit A.C. | 1956 |
Gilissen, Cornelia | Women’s S.A. | 1936 |
Gompf, Tom | U.S. Air Force | 1964 |
Gorman, Frank | Dick Smith S.G. | 1964 |
Gossick, Sue | Westlake A.C. | 1964, ’68 |
Greene, Al | Lake Shore A.C. | 1936 |
Grimes, Betty | Minneapolis A.C. | 1920 |
Grote, H.C. | x | 1908 |
Hall, Sam | Coca-Cola S.C. | 1960 |
Harlan, Bruce | Ohio State U. | 1948 |
Harper, Donald | Coca-Cola S.C. | 1956 |
Henry, Jim | Bloomington S.C. | 1968 |
Hernandez, Hailey | GC Diving | 2020 |
Hildebrand, Sara | Indiana Diving | 2000, '04 |
Hill, Dorothy Poynton | L.A. A.C. | 1928, ’32, ’36 |
Hixon, Michael | TriSynerG Diving, Unattached | 2016, 2020 |
Hunsberger, Clarita | Ambassador S.C. | 1928 |
Ipsen, Kristian | Stanford Diving | 2012, 2016 |
Irwin, Juno | Pasadena A.C. | 1948, ’52, ’56, ’60 |
Ishimatsu, Haley | National Training Center | 2008 |
Jeffrey, Patrick | Ohio State, Team Orlando | 1988, ’96 |
Jensen, Zoe Ann Olsen | Athens A.C. | 1948, ’52 |
Johnson, Steele | Purdue Diving | 2016 |
Johnston, Abby | Duke Aquatics | 2012, 2016 |
Kehoe, Frank | Chicago A.A. | 1904 |
Keim, Jenny | Fort Lauderdale, Miami Diving | 1996, ’00 |
Kimball, Bruce | Kimball Divers | 1984 |
King, Micki | U.S. Air Force | 1968, ’72 |
Krug, Cassidy | Stanford Diving | 2012 |
Kuehn, Louis | Multnomah A.C. | 1920 |
Kunkel, Rachelle | Trojan Dive Club | 2004 |
Kurtz, Frank | Los Angeles A.C. | 1932, ’36 |
LaFace, Karen | Ft. Lauderdale D.T. | 1992 |
Lee, Sammy | Pasadena A.C. | 1948, ’52 |
Lenzi, Mark | Kimball Divers | 1992, ’96 |
Lincoln, Craig | Gopher D.C. | 1972 |
Lord, Alice | x | 1920 |
Loschiavo, Brandon | Purdue Diving | 2020, 2024 |
Louganis, Greg | Mission Viejo/Bay | 1976, ’80, ’84, ’88 |
Loukas, Christina | Indiana Diving/The Woodlands Diving Academy | 2008, '12 |
Lucero, Wendy | Kimball Divers | 1988 |
Machemer, Kevin | Kimball Divers | 1980 |
McAleenan, Arthur Jr. | New York A.C. | 1912 |
McAlister, Barbara | Concord S.C. | 1964, ’68 |
McCormack, John | Pasadena A.C. | 1952 |
McCormick, Kelly | Ohio State Diving | 1984, ’88 |
McCormick, Pat | Los Angeles A.C. | 1952, ’56 |
McCrory, Nick | Duke Aquatics | 2012 |
McGrath, Amy | Hobie’s Heroes | 1980 |
Meany, Helen | Women’s S.C./N.Y. | 1920, ’24, ’28 |
Merriott, Ron | Kimball Divers | 1984 |
Mitchell, Michele | Mission Viejo/Bay | 1984, ’88 |
Moore, Tim | O’Brien Diving | 1976 |
Moses, Melisa | Clavadistas del Sol | 1996 |
Myers, Paula Jean (Pope) | Lee S.C. | 1952, ’56, ’60 |
Nejman, Barb | Kimball Divers | 1976 |
Neyer, Megan | Mission Viejo | 1980 |
O’Sullivan, Keala Rachel | Punahou S.C. | 1968 |
Ovenhouse, Julie | Kimball Divers | 1992 |
Owen, Ellen | Emerald Diving | 1992 |
Palmer, Krysta | Nevada Diving Club | 2020 |
Parratto, Jessica | TriSynerG Diving, Johansen Diving Academy | 2016, 2020, 2024 |
Payne, Thelma | Multnomah A.C. | 1920 |
Peterson, Ann | Dick Smith Swim Gym | 1968 |
Pichler, David | Unat., Plantation Diving | 1996,’00 |
Pinkston, Clarence | San Francisco O.C. | 1920, ’24 |
Prandi, Kyle | Miami Diving | 2004 |
Potter, Cynthia | Bloomington Gatorade | 1972, ’76, ’80 |
Prieste, Harry | Los Angeles A.C. | 1920 |
Pyrah, Charles | n | 1904 |
Rawls, Katherine | Miami Beach S.C. | 1932, ’36 |
Reinhold, Margaret | Lake Shore Club | 1940 |
Riggin, Aileen | Women’s Swim Assn. | 1920, ’24 |
Rittenhouse, Ariel | National Training Center | 2008 |
Root, Elbert | Detroit A.C. | 1936 |
Roper, Marion | Alphi Phi | 1932 |
Ruehl, Becky | Cincinnati Stingrays | 1996 |
Ruiz, Mark | Team Orlando | 2000, '04 |
Russell, Keith | Dick Smith Swim Gym | 1968 |
Rydze, Dick | x | 1972 |
Salness, Kit | Mission Viejo | 1980 |
Samuels, Newman | Missouri A.C. | 1904 |
Schnell, Delaney | Unattached | 2020, 2024 |
Scoggin, Matt | Texas D.C. | 1992 |
Seufert, Chris | Kimball Divers | 1980, ’84 |
Sheldon, George | Muegge Institute | 1904 |
Sitzberger, Ken | Indiana U. | 1964 |
Smith, Caroline | Los Angeles A.C. | 1924 |
Soldati, Kimiko | Centralized Training Center | 2004 |
Stunyo, Jeanne | Detroit A.C. | 1956 |
Tarantino, Jevon | Fort Lauderdale Dive Team | 2008 |
Thrash, Ben | San Francisco O.C. | 1924 |
Tobian, Gary | Los Angeles A.C. | 1956, ’60 |
Tyler, Carson | Johansen Diving Academy | 2024 |
Viola, Brittany | Miami Diving | 2012 |
Virts, Mark | Longhorn D.C. | 1980 |
Vitucci, Louis | Blue Hill C.C. | 1964 |
Vosler, Kent | O’Brien Diving | 1976 |
Wainwright, Helen | Women’s S.C. | 1920 |
Wayne, Marshall | Biltmore A.C. | 1936 |
Webster, Bob | Sammy Lee S.C. | 1960, ’64 |
Weinstein, Barb | Kimball Divers | 1980 |
White, Albert C. | Athens A.C. | 1924 |
Whitten, Glen | Ohio State U. | 1956 |
Wilcock, Justin | Centralized Training Center | 2004 |
Willard, Patsy | Dick Smith Swim Gym | 1960, ’64 |
Williams, Wendy Lian | Hurricane D.C. | 1988 |
Wilson, Deborah Keplar | O’Brien Diving | 1976 |
Wilkinson, Laura | Woodlands Diving, Centralized Training Center | 2000, '04, '08 |
Windle, Jordan | University of Texas | 2020 |
Wright, Daryn | Purdue Diving | 2024 |
Wrightson, Bernie | Dick Smith S.G. | 1968 |
Wyland, Wendy | Mission Viejo | 1984 |
Young, Katrina | Unattached (Tallahasse, Fla.) | 2016, 2020 |
Young, Win | Bloomington S.C. | 1968 |